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An Obvious Solution for Men, Women and Work

If America wants out of the current and future recessions, then we must become a pro-manufacturing, pro-production and pro-business model

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Ms. Foroohar stated the problem clearly in her piece, “The Truth About Men, Women and Work”. But what’s surprising is that she missed the solution:

1. Fire men and women equally from government jobs (the government produces nothing).

2. Train women in manufacturing.

3. Produce and sell to the “emerging” markets.

If and only if America wants out of the current and future recessions, then we must become a pro-manufacturing, pro-production and pro-business model for the rest of the world. There truly is only one thing to remember: We put ourselves in this mess, and we can take ourselves out of it by following tried and true practices of production/manufacturing.

Julian Pierce, Fort Davis,TX