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Women Should Have to Register for Selective Service

All citizens between the ages of 18 and 25, regardless of gender, should be required to register for selective service

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I will admit that I met the idea of allowing women in combative military roles with skepticism. My opinions on this issue are born of anecdotal observations throughout my 22-plus year career in the United States Navy. That being said, it appears that there are still far too many in this country who want to have their cake and eat it too. They are quick to play the equal rights card when it suits them, but are still more than willing to play the “I’m a girl” card when it comes to the selective service. There is no reason that women cannot be used to backfill non-combatant billets filled by males during a draft. Why should my neighbor’s sons be denied federally backed student loans and grants if they fail to register for selective service, but not my daughters? Why should my neighbor’s sons be denied federal employment if they fail to register but my daughters aren’t? It is clearly time for this disparity to end. All citizens between the ages of 18 and 25, regardless of gender, should be required to register for selective service.

Terry May, Poulsbo