International crowd-sourced anti–street harassment movement founded in 2005 that allows women to share, via social media, stories about receiving unwanted catcalls and worse. The goal? “For most folks, it’s not about catching the turd—it’s about having a badass response,” the founders say on their website, adding that they believe opening up about street harassment is a safe but also empowering and actionable way to combat creeps who think they have the right to yell “Nice tits, wanna fuck?” at you on your way to the grocery store. (See also STREET HARASSMENT)
Exclusive Excerpt from The Book of Jezebel
An opinionated encyclopedia of lady things from the creators of Jezebel
Full List
An Opinionated Encyclopedia from the Creators of Jezebel
- The Book of Jezebel, from A to Z
- Albright, Madeleine (1937-)
- Bechdel test
- cackle of rads
- dehydration
- Eliot, George (1819–1880)
- emasculate
- feisty
- Goodall, Jane (1934–)
- Hollaback!
- indulge
- Juliet
- Knox, Shelby (1986-)
- Lassie
- mansplain
- matriarchy
- nervous breakdown
- O’Connor, Sandra Day (1930–)
- Perkins, Frances (1880–1965)
- Quindlen, Anna (1952–)
- rack
- “rape-rape”
- safety tips for women
- Thelma & Louise
- true love
- Ullman, Tracey (1959–)
- victim blaming
- wrinkles
- xylophone
- yogurt
- Zygote