The depiction of Navy SEALs was deadly accurate — and should be celebrated.
Washington Is Overreacting to Zero Dark Thirty
The movie is misleading, but that hardly warrants a congressional inquiry.
The Hobbit: Why Are There No Women in Tolkien’s World?
Middle-earth is strangely devoid of women. So who gave birth to all those hobbits, dwarves and elves?
Did Woody Allen Rip Off William Faulkner?
Two new cases could tighten copyright laws to a stifling extreme
‘Won’t Back Down’: Why This Education Movie Matters
Maggie Gyllenhaal’s decision to star in a schmaltzy takedown of teachers unions just might move education reform into the mainstream
Where Are All the (Good) Female Superhero Movies?
This summer’s superhero blockbusters finally featured strong female characters, but that’s only a start
Why Is Dinesh D’Souza So Angry with Obama?
The author and director of a hit documentary rails against Obama’s “anti-colonialism.” Most Americans don’t know what the heck he means
Why Pixar’s Brave Is a Failure of Female Empowerment
It’s Pixar’s first female lead in 17 years. If only Brave were bolder
Why Do Critics Hate Kristen Stewart’s Snow White?
The reinterpretation of Disney’s limpid housecleaner, a triumph of female storytelling, has caused an unfair drumbeat of negativity
Are Hollywood Men Trying to Gross Us Out?
You know there’s a problem when your average Oscar nominee and Gimli from Middle-earth are basically interchangeable
Bully Is Good, but Knee-Jerk Responses to Bullying Are Not
Some schools have made eye-rolling a punishable offense. But if everything is considered bullying, then nothing is
Why I’m NOT Taking My 8-Year Old To The Hunger Games
Kids shouldn’t go unless they’re mature enough and have the skills to read the books first.
Is The Hunger Games Too Dark for Kids?
Parents fear exposing their kids to violent entertainment, but I’m taking my 8-year old to see The Hunger Games. Here’s why