It’s been 17 years since a new Christmas song entered the canon. How long do we have to wait for a new holiday hit?
Arts & Entertainment
Crazy, Stupid, Cool
Yes, he’s Canadian. But Ryan Gosling is still the Coolest Person of the Year
Zynga’s Words with Friends Is My Enemy, Too
Alec Baldwin’s not the only one in the hot seat because of that game
What Jane Austen Could Teach Washington
It should be a truth universally acknowledged that novels of manners — and even of murder — have larger lessons for our leaders
What the U.S. Can Learn from British TV
Sometimes even a hit series needs to pull the plug
Video Games Don’t Make Kids Violent
Despite grave concerns that violent video games lead to aggression, the research suggests otherwise
Grammys Fallout: The Subtle Snubbing of Kanye
Why his nominations are mere booby prizes
Will Pixar’s First Female Lead Break the Mold?
Princess Merida is a Pixar princess but a princess nonetheless
Gag Me With a Remote Control
Digital gross-outs come to network TV, leaving little to the imagination
Who Speaks for the Trees?
Why, Dr. Seuss, of course. But will a new movie adaptation of The Lorax speak to a new generation of children?
Giving Thanks, 2013 Edition
Come Thanksgiving two years hence, the unemployment rate will be near zero, taxes will be voluntary for some, and the Boss will still be on tour! Thank you!
Father Knows, Well, Not Best
What George Clooney’s portrayal of a struggling dad in The Descendants says about modern fatherhood