Trayvon Martin’s friend and a key witness in the trial of George Zimmerman made a lot more sense than you think
Serena Williams and the Theater of Public Apology
Her recent spat with — followed by olive branch to — Maria Sharapova was prudent but also pointless
Viewpoint: The Food Network Should Give Paula Deen Back Her Job
People of her generation can neither change the past, nor completely escape their roots in it
Bill Cosby’s ‘Tough Love’ Is Counterproductive
Bill Cosby is not alone in thinking black Americans need to do better, but his advice is not just tone-deaf, it’s useless as well
Confessions of a Black Woman Who Loves HBO’s Girls
Racially homogenous casts are common on TV; shows that honestly and artfully depict the struggles of womanhood are not
Viewpoint: The Problem with Lena Dunham’s Girls
Lena Dunham is clearly a bright and talented young woman. At only 26, she is the creator, director and star of her own series, HBO’s Girls, about a quartet of twentysomething females of varying backgrounds, attributes and …
Viewpoint: Lance Armstrong Will Be Back
He may be hated, but he should never be underestimated
Would More Women In The Senate Mean Less Gridlock?
20 female lawmakers agreed there would have been no fiscal cliff drama had they been running the show, but they may be wrong
Kids at Tragedies: Turn Off the Cameras
There is no good journalistic reason to put a child at a mass-murder scene on live TV, permission of the parents or not
Viewpoint: Adults Read Too Much Into “Sesame Street”
Grownups are worried about the latest Elmo scandal, but it may be time to stop imbuing this show with so much significance
Fall TV: Strong Female Characters Can Negate Violence
New research shows sexually violent media is rendered less harmful when women are given assertive roles
Breaking Bad and the Downfall of the White ‘Anyman’
The sublime show speaks to the anxiety of the modern white American male who is in danger of losing his grip on power
Why Do We Care More About Diversity on TV Than In Our Schools?
Protest got a black character added to “Girls.” So why are we so silent on segregation in the classroom?