Genetic screening and the need to speak candidly
The Big Business of Global Warming
Corporations are betting on climate change — and primed for a big payday when things really heat up
How to Solve Obamacare’s Youth Enrollment Problem
Take advantage of peer pressure and that young people care what others think
How the Cold Makes Us Smarter
That’s one upside to the polar vortex
There Is No Left Brain/Right Brain Divide
You are hardly alone if you believe that humanity is divided into two great camps: the left-brain and the right-brain thinkers — those who are logical and analytical vs. those who are intuitive and creative. For years, an …
How To Increase the Number of Women Winning Nobel Prizes
The mother of tweens was folding laundry at 5 a.m. before going to an early spinning class when the phone rang. It was October 2009 and Carol Greider, a biologist at Johns Hopkins University, picked up and heard a voice from …
Hurricane Sandy: Is There A Point to Disaster Anniversaries?
A disaster expert weighs in on whether commemorations teach us anything
The Facebook Effect: Everybody Is So Cliché
Girls like “shopping,” boys like “Xbox.” Shocker.
Viewpoint: Antismoking Advocates Have Misused Science
Evidence that smoking in public places endangers the health of others is weak, even while the argument against smoking is strong
Viewpoint: Obama’s Nuke Proposal is Unilateral and Risky
What Our Memories Tell Us About Ourselves
New research confirms that memories are created in the present rather than being faithful records of the past
What Obama and Romney Can Learn from Neil Armstrong
We did big things before. We can do them again.
Why Bats Are So Misunderstood
Bees are getting all the attention, but bats are equally deserving of our sympathy