The Girl Scouts explicitly reject discrimination, while the Boy Scouts encourage bigotry and intellectual passivity
Viewpoint: The Breast-Feeding Police Are Wrong About Formula
Lactation activists alienate new moms with their all-or-nothing approach, leaving most women to figure out a way to combine breast milk with formula on their own.
Viewpoint: Is Mother’s Day Sexist?
Moms are thanked for hugs, while dads are thanked for being role models. But the family roles of mother and father have long since converged
When ‘Flex Time’ Means Ripping Off Workers
The Working Families Flexibility Act is actually a business-friendly Trojan horse
Viewpoint: The Boy Scouts Stoop to a New Low
Why their latest p.r. stunt will misfire, and what they need to do next
Stop Telling Me I’ll “Change My Mind” About Wanting Kids
Parents should know: children are not like hair color or college majors or other things you can just “change your mind” about
Should Parents Ask Other Parents About Guns in the Home?
These days, it’s starting to seem like an urgent question
Do Men Really Have a Biological Clock?
The fertility issues facing men and women still have profoundly different implications
Viewpoint: ADHD Isn’t A Metaphor
With all the alarmist reports about a rise in rates, we’d be wise to remember that it’s a developmental disorder, not a symptom of societal ills
Viewpoint: We Need to Rethink Rehab
Our current treatment system for addiction is unnavigable, unregulated and unsuccessful. It needs an overhaul
Why the Supreme Court Is Likely to Rule for Gay Marriage
The swing vote, Justice Kennedy, has been the court’s most steadfast supporter of gay rights
More Ways Women Sabotage Themselves
Sheryl Sandberg is right. It’s time for women to take a look at themselves
What About the Children?
Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In is inherently dismissive about the deeply valuable job of child rearing