Americans are the world’s champion meat eaters. For that we can thank (or not) our colonial ancestors. Back in the old …
Women Chefs Talk About That TIME List
A recent article in TIME sparked controversy over sexism in haute cuisine—and the media. Here, Alice Waters and other prominent women restaurateurs weigh in on what’s holding female chefs back.
Why So Little Candy Variety? Blame the Chocolate Oligopoly
Three companies dominate the candy market, preventing newcomers with new products from ever making it to store shelves
Controlling Your Kids’ Candy Stash Is Bad Parenting
Children need to learn how to manage temptation on their own
Let’s Drink to Phasing Out the First Lady
The Office of the First Lady is a boondoggle and an offense to women. Let’s shut it down.
New York: Culinary Capital, Composting Backwater
Will environmental ethics overcome logistical challenges?
McDonald’s and the Fate of the Middle Class
What fast-food companies pay people today will affect us all
The Best Cure for Obesity? Personal Responsibility
Regardless of whether it’s now a disease, there are currently no medical cures for obesity that improve on willpower
If Obesity Is a Disease, Why Are So Many Obese People Healthy?
The decision of the American Medical Association (AMA) to classify obesity as a disease is great news for the pharmaceutical industry, as it is likely to increase pressure on the Food and Drug Administration to approve more …
Forget the IRS — There’s an Olive-Oil Scandal Afoot
Credibility problems? Check. Overreach? Check. Finger-pointing? You betcha
Viewpoint: The New Food Police Are Out of Touch
The agenda of Michael Pollan and his ilk is far removed from the needs and concerns of everyday Americans
The Hypocrisy of Foodies: Restaurant Worker Abuse
We care more about how chickens and cows have been treated than we do about the people who cook and serve our food
Has Greek Yogurt Jumped the Shark?
Sometimes, a product’s “Greek yogurt” version is actually less healthy than the regular option