If I had thought that all the presumptive questioning would stop once I was legally hitched and had popped out one kid, I was wrong.
Life & Style
Grantland Transgender Scandal Signals Progress
Take heart, transgender people. You’re closer than you think.
Premature Perfection: Why an Early Delivery Is Just as Good As Any
My son’s birth was far from the dreamy notion I had had in mind, but there was nothing wrong about it
A Resolution for Moms: No More Fakebook
My life on Facebook is an airbrushed and Instagrammed image of my real life. But I also think I’d be a better mom if I stopped pretending.
School Volunteering and Parental Pressure: One Mom’s Unapologetic No
Learning to resist the unhealthy pressure to volunteer for every possible activity in a child’s school
Black Gay Men Are Still Invisible
Whenever I read about this mythical place in which a person’s sexuality is no longer taboo, in the wake of a handful of states allowing marriage equality, I often think to check the balance of my credit card. I would love to be …
What the Gay Rights Movement Should Learn from Martin Luther King, Jr.
In contrast to contemporary gay activists, King found a way to condemn evil without condemning the evildoer
The Impossibility of The Good Black Mother
From the pediatrician’s office to the streets I call my own, it is not the myth of the Good Mother, but that of the Bad Black Mother, that renders my motherhood at turns invisible and suspect
It Makes Economic Sense for a Woman to Have More Than One Husband
By pooling male resources, polyandry improves household incomes and combats child poverty
WATCH: World’s Top Bull Rider J.B. Mauney Explains Smart Bulls And Great Riders
All in his charming Southern drawl
Smoking Guns: The Deafening Silence of the Assault Weapons Makers
Where is that public debate with the makers of hollow point bullets, high capacity magazines, and weapons designed to harm and kill human beings as quickly as possible?
Why I Let My Daughter Get a ‘Useless’ College Degree
A new study from the Federal Reserve offers more evidence that my humanities-loving child will graduate with lots of debt and not so many job offers. And I’m O.K. with that.
A-Rod: A-nother Narcissist
The narcissism pandemic has itself a brand new poster boy, this time disgraced and juiced New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez, who has been slapped with a 162-game suspension for using performance-enhancing drugs. Rodriguez, facing a towering mound of evidence showing he was a doper, did what any self-respecting, self-adoring narcissist would …