A Q&A with Mika Brzezinski, co-host of “Morning Joe” and author of “Knowing Your Value: Women, Money and Getting What You’re Worth”
Confidence Woman
Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg is on a mission to change the balance of power. Why she just might pull it off
More Ways Women Sabotage Themselves
Sheryl Sandberg is right. It’s time for women to take a look at themselves
The Pay Gap Is Not as Bad as You (and Sheryl Sandberg) Think
Women don’t make 77 cents to a man’s dollar. They make more like 93 cents, as long as they don’t major in art history
What About the Children?
Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In is inherently dismissive about the deeply valuable job of child rearing
Yahoo’s Work-at-Home Ban: Why It’s a Working-Dad Issue Too
Flexible work isn’t solely a women’s issue. It’s a feminist issue, built on expanding opportunities for both sexes
What Betty Friedan Saw Coming
The biggest threat today, for women and men, is the unrelenting demand of the workplace
Can Online Dating Lead to Love?
While some argue that online dating presents too much choice, it’s actually an efficient way to meet a partner — if you use it correctly
Why Is It So Difficult to Talk About Female Sexual Pleasure?
The author of “Vagina: A New Biography” analyzes some responses to her new controversial book
Where Are All the (Good) Female Superhero Movies?
This summer’s superhero blockbusters finally featured strong female characters, but that’s only a start
Why Birth Control Matters for the American Dream
Unwed mothers are now more likely to slip down the economic ladder than ever before
Coming Out In Hip Hop: Frank Ocean’s Powerful Moment
Anderson Cooper’s coming out got more attention, but Frank Ocean’s heralds more social change
We Have to Stop Talking About “Having It All”
The phrase sells magazines, but Anne-Marie Slaughter deserves to be taken a lot more seriously