Sam will have his Jackie Robinson moment in September. The only question is the name that will be on the front of his jersey.
Michael Sam Won’t Be the Gay Tebow
204 days before the NFL season starts, the “media circus” over the first gay player is already over
Michael Sam Will Be OK, and I’m a Bit Jealous
The sky didn’t fall and the oceans didn’t boil when an out player headed to the NFL — but when will trans people get the acceptance gays have gained?
Michael Sam’s Test for Gay Rights
Is the NFL locker room — not the most tolerant place — ready to accept an out gay player?
Putin’s Explosive Olympics
Terrorist threats, a sky-high price tag, geopolitical turmoil, and controversial anti-gay laws are making for a combustible Winter Games
NFL Coaches Are Too Chicken for Their Own Good
Economists prove why you should often not punt at the fourth down and embrace a more aggressive style of play
Seattle vs. Denver: Which State Wins the Doobie Bowl?
For potheads, this Super Bowl Sunday is more buds than Budweiser. A point-by-point comparison of which state is winning in the game of legalization.
Boycotting the NFL Won’t Make a Difference
Unlike boxing, which has also drawn widespread criticism for brain injuries, football and its fans are too big to fail.
WATCH: World’s Top Bull Rider J.B. Mauney Explains Smart Bulls And Great Riders
All in his charming Southern drawl
A-Rod: A-nother Narcissist
The narcissism pandemic has itself a brand new poster boy, this time disgraced and juiced New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez, who has been slapped with a 162-game suspension for using performance-enhancing drugs. Rodriguez, facing a towering mound of evidence showing he was a doper, did what any self-respecting, self-adoring narcissist would …
How the Football Got Its Shape
And why its shape determines outcomes of the game
Let’s Review 50 Years of Instant Replay
Instant replay has made sports persnickety, dilatory, and faux-precise—if only we could rewind
Football: A Waste of Taxpayers’ Money
Why are we subsidizing such a hugely profitable sport?