A fast and guilty verdict shows how the Internet now plays a crucial role in the prosecution of sexual assault
The Next Gun Control Battle: A Right To Carry Firearms in Public?
The latest skirmish over gun control is whether the Second Amendment protects the right to carry concealed weapons outside the home
Trayvon Martin: One Year Later, Justice Remains Elusive
A trial may bring some peace to a grieving family, but will it help us deal with the toxic social issues that led to the tragedy?
Criminals and Terrorists Can Fly Drones Too
Remote-controlled aircraft and robot technology can be used for bad just as easily as for good
Was Aaron Swartz Really ‘Killed by the Government’?
No, but prosecutors did go too far in pressing felony charges
Viewpoint: Real Gun Reform Doesn’t Come from the Capitol
Lasting change in norms comes from civic action, not from a law “preventing” the next Sandy Hook
Viewpoint: Don’t Rush to Judge on Steubenville
Our emotional response to this rape case erodes the pursuit of justice, for both the victim and the accused
Rape in India: A Result of Sex Selection?
The preference for male babies—and the resulting skewed sex ratio—may be at the root of the rise in violence against women
Why Is Congress Protecting the Gun Industry?
Gun manufacturers and dealers enjoy broad legal immunity, even though lawsuits against them would help improve safety
Viewpoint: Arming Teachers Isn’t the Answer
Putting more guns in schools will likely lead to more violence
Sandy Hook Shooting: The Speculation About Adam Lanza Must Stop
A compelling narrative has emerged but we have few facts to back it up
Sandy Hook Shooting: Video Games Blamed, Again
It’s natural in emotional times to search for answers, but there’s no evidence that violent media leads to mass homicides
The Myth of Second Amendment Exceptionalism
We make tradeoffs in personal liberties all the time. Why is gun control any different?