A former TSA agent on why we shouldn’t get (so) mad at the men and women working the security line, when it’s their bosses …
National Security
How to Fix the NSA Mess
If the Internet is ever to be trusted again, the EU needs to set a new standard that limits surveillance
We Need to Worry About Somali Terrorists in the U.S.
A cadre of young Somali-American men are getting indoctrinated in the belief that it’s okay to attack people who disagree with you
On This 9/11, Enough With the Fearmongering
The panic-inducing posturing of American and Syrian leaders has taken on an increasingly farcical tone
Striking Syria Is Completely Illegal
The fundamental rule of international law is that states cannot attack other states, even for humanitarian reasons
Viewpoint: Overzealous Prosecution of Bradley Manning Backfired
In the end, the final casualty may be America’s reputation as a bastion of freedom
The Hollowness of Bradley Manning
As the split verdict shows, Bradley Manning’s leaks were neither noble and important nor traitorous.
The Twisted Allure of Jihadi Glory
Like much of modern life, even terrorism can be glamorized
Four Reasons Why Rolling Stone’s Cover Is Upsetting
Objections to Rolling Stone’s article about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have ranged from the fact that the coverage humanizes Tsarnaev to the choice of photo to the fact that Rolling Stone usually, though not always, puts a celebrity on its cover. Here, four compelling arguments from those who have voiced disapproval:
1. In a July 17 letter …
Viewpoint: We Need to Learn More About Young Men Like the Boston Bomber, Not Less
To boycott Rolling Stone‘s cover story is to say that we are unwilling, as a society, to cope with difficult questions.
What I Want For Independence Day: Freedom From the Patriot Act
A prominent evangelist and former security hawk explains why the U.S. government has gone too far in spying on its own people
What Airline Whistleblowers Have to Say About the New Theory on Flight 800
There may be enough smoking guns to warrant reopening the investigation
Our Double Standard of Privacy
We’re upset about the government tracking our communications, but we willingly hand over much more sensitive information to a handful of huge corporations