There are many legitimate conditions that might explain terrible teen behavior, but being too rich is not one of them.
Football: A Waste of Taxpayers’ Money
Why are we subsidizing such a hugely profitable sport?
Releasing 911 Sandy Hook Tapes Retraumatizes Newtown
A crisis expert who grew up in Newtown argues that the costs of listening to the tapes outweigh the benefits.
Michelle Rhee: More Mediocrity for American Education
The bad news about those mediocre new rankings of America’s educational system is the complacency about fixing them
5 Things Amazon Could Learn From the Military About Drones
Amazon’s plan to offer a drone delivery service—Amazon Prime Air— is all the buzz. On Sunday on 60 Minutes, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos unveiled a next generation R&D project aimed at delivering packages in 30 minutes or less …
Is ‘Black Pete’ Racist?
They’ve been on my living-room shelf for a year now — wrapped chocolate candy figurines from the Netherlands of Zwarte Piet, or Black Pete. A friend who lived there for a while gave them to me in irony. Black Pete is a …
Don’t Like the American Way of Meat? Blame That First Thanksgiving Meal
Americans are the world’s champion meat eaters. For that we can thank (or not) our colonial ancestors. Back in the old country, England, meat was for the upper ruling classes, who ate it with great gusto, but most Brits were …
When the Sisterhood Attacks: The Cautionary Tale of Colonel Lynette Arnhart
An Army colonel trying to level the playing field for female soldiers gets accused of sexism and the Internet rages on
There Is No Such Thing as a Motive for Mass Killings
Trying to make ordinary sense out of these extraordinary crimes is fruitless—and ultimately only encourages more violence
It’s Social Ties—Not Religion—That Makes the Faithful Give to Charity
Over the last twenty years, one of the most stunning changes to the American social landscape has been the dramatic rise in the percentage of Americans who report having no religious affiliation—the group that has come to be …
Five Reasons People Under 50 Are Tired of JFK Nostalgia
Baby Boomers are obsessed with JFK, but his assassination didn’t “shatter innocence” or “change America” or any of those other tropes
Does High School Determine the Rest of Your Life?
A new study shows that the popular kids in high school wind up making more money. Then again, a lot of people still hate them
Gloria Borger: Obama’s “No Drama” Credo Led to the ACA Website Disaster
The president should have established a “zone of immunity” for truth-tellers who could deliver the bad news