Looking back, Obama’s strategy doesn’t work as a new paradigm of war
Middle East
The Chutzpah of Ariel Sharon
If not for his stroke, he may well have been the hero not only of war but of peace
The War Against Terror Must Be Fought With Words Too
The Stars Are Aligned on Iran
Iran needs an agreement, and we need Iran.
Majority Leader Eric Cantor: President Obama Should Abandon This Terrible Deal with Iran
What does it say that the UN is calling for a full suspension of Iran’s nuclear enrichment activities while the American president is willing to accept far less?
The Missing Player in Syria Peace Efforts: Syrian Women
A more gender-inclusive analysis of the situation would lead to better solutions
John Kerry’s Wishful Thinking About Egypt
Sisi will likely change his military uniform for a suit and run for president, but that won’t make the country more stable
Do Muslim Women Need Saving?
The Western crusade to rescue Muslim women has reduced them to a simplistic stereotype
Have Saudi Women Traded Civil Rights for Driving Rights?
Arguing against the driving ban but within Islamic law can be an effective strategy
Forbidden to Drive: A Saudi Woman On Life Inside the Kingdom
A young journalist describes the countless ways Saudi Arabia’s regressive laws affect her nation’s society, economy and even immigration
Malala Yousafzai: ‘The Day I Woke Up in the Hospital’
“Something bad happened to you,” said Dr. Fiona. I knew I was not in my homeland
White House Waffles on Egypt, Again
The Obama administration is right to suspend some but not all military aid. If only they could make that message clearer.
Striking Syria Is Completely Illegal
The fundamental rule of international law is that states cannot attack other states, even for humanitarian reasons