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The Immigration Debate: We Should Be Enforcing Our Own Laws

If we are to remain an attractive and healthy country into which millions hope to enter, we must protect our borders and uphold our laws — all of them.

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[Illegal immigration is] a sharp slap in the face to Americans citizens and those who aspire to enter this country the legal way (“Not Legal, Not Leaving”). If we are to remain an attractive and healthy country into which millions hope to enter, we must protect our borders and uphold our laws — all of them. We cannot pick and choose, nor can we expect our citizens to obey our laws when we ignore the violations of potential migrants. Our president recently acted in a politically criminal manner by delaying deportation and granting forms of amnesty — a responsibility congress, not the president, holds. It is definitely past time for our media to speak out against this action — an issue congress will not address.

Jesse Harrington, Charlotte