Hunter, an elementary-school teacher, is a legend in his home state of Virginia, where the World Peace Game he designed in 1978 allows fourth-graders to game out various scenarios of global doom or global cooperation. The game, which is played on a huge multi-level board and is a bit like an analog version of The Sims, got traction nationally when Charlottesville-based filmmaker Chris Farina turned it into a documentary film that had many screenings last year and is still making the rounds at film festivals. As World Peace and Other Fourth-Grade Achievements has quietly circulated in the education world, Hunter has given TED talks and addressed audiences around the country about the game’s power to inspire students and teachers. The film, which emphasizes not only children’s optimism, but also the game’s power to teach collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, speaks to a lot of people in education. When I moderated a screening at Harvard last year, several audience members were moved to tears. The film should see wider distribution in 2012, and Hunter has started a foundation to advance the work behind the World Peace Game and hopefully spawn high-quality imitators.
School of Thought: 12 Education Activists for 2012
What do an old-school game designer, the NCAA chief and Maggie Gyllenhaal have in common? They're all on TIME's list of the 12 education activists to watch in 2012. Those named to TIME’s 11 for '11 made waves last year, and this next group will too — for good or ill
John Hunter: The Inspiration
Full List
Education Activists
- Catharine Bellinger and Alexis Morin: The Students
- Matt Damon: The Mama’s Boy
- John Danner: The Tech Guy
- Arne Duncan: The Secretary
- Mark Emmert: The Referee
- Aimee Guidera: The Data Driver
- Maggie Gyllenhaal: The Star
- Kaya Henderson: The Superintendent
- John Hunter: The Inspiration
- Ariela Rozman: The Operator
- Ron Tomalis: The Keystone
- Randi Weingarten: The Unionist