We are at a material saturation point, which means more hassle, more to manage, and more stress.
Under Every Christmas Tree: A Drone
For many people, Amazon‘s announced experiment with drone package delivery was the first suggestion of a civilian future for unmanned aircraft. But in many ways, that future is already here. You may have already seen examples: …
Why the iWatch Will Likely Fail
The history of wearable technology says that timepieces are better in pockets than on wrists
The Future of the Internet: Balkanization and Borders
The misbehavior of America’s National Security Agency has made other countries want to wrest stewardship of the web away from us.
Professor: I Banned Laptops from the Lecture Hall
Students were not only distracted by their screens, but they no longer knew what was the most important thing to write down from lectures
iPads on Planes: Be Careful What You Wish For
So are you guilty? Like thousands of others, have you snuck an extra text, Tweet or talk after flight attendants decreed you shut off all electronic devices? Or did you continue playing Words With Friends, like Alec Baldwin? No …
Parents Are Digital Hypocrites
Adults think they’re setting limits but inadvertently teach kids to overuse gadgets
We Still Need Information Stored in Our Heads Not ‘in the Cloud’
Computer are great for information that won’t change, but a brain is better at connecting facts with other facts and acquiring layers of meaning
Fears of Google Glass Are Unfounded
We are being too quick to condemn groundbreaking technology that we don’t understand and haven’t yet experienced
Viewpoint: Want Safer Drivers? Embrace, Don’t Ban, Technology
The federal government’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently announced guidelines calling for automakers to put limits on the installation of electronic devices in new cars, including a provision that most …
Spying on Sports Fans: What the Tech Can See
Stadiumgoers, prepare to be watched
Will ‘Stalking Apps’ Be Stopped?
Incredibly, there are no federal laws against the unauthorized monitoring of your physical whereabouts
Why We Shouldn’t Fear Personal Drones
The more widespread the technology, the better the uses we will find for it