Technology might be rewriting the rules of dating, but the game itself is a very old pursuit
Life & Style
Despite Philip Seymour Hoffman, There Is No Heroin Crisis
The actor’s death should remind us that addicts aren’t the only ones who overdose on drugs
5 Myths About Stay-At-Home Dads
The bottom line is that we’re just as good as mothers
Putin’s Explosive Olympics
Terrorist threats, a sky-high price tag, geopolitical turmoil, and controversial anti-gay laws are making for a combustible Winter Games
The Thorny Ethics of Prenatal Testing
Genetic screening and the need to speak candidly
The Mad Men Problem at Home
Closing the wage gap begins with remedying the housework gap first
Failed Your New Year’s Resolutions Already? Try These Less Ambitious Ones
16 microresolutions to help you accomplish everything you set out to in 2014
NFL Coaches Are Too Chicken for Their Own Good
Economists prove why you should often not punt at the fourth down and embrace a more aggressive style of play
Seattle vs. Denver: Which State Wins the Doobie Bowl?
For potheads, this Super Bowl Sunday is more buds than Budweiser. A point-by-point comparison of which state is winning in the game of legalization.
The Millennials Are All Right
Whether this is or isn’t a generation of narcissists, it’s hardly the first to be shaped by media
Boycotting the NFL Won’t Make a Difference
Unlike boxing, which has also drawn widespread criticism for brain injuries, football and its fans are too big to fail.
American Eagle’s Anti-Photoshopping Campaign Is Insidious Stuff, Too
Since when are lingerie models—airbrushed or not—representative of the average woman?
My Unexpected Homecoming At Church
I could see the beauty and love and goodness that the Catholic Church is supposed to embody; the omnipresent and debilitating shame and guilt I remembered were nowhere to be found.