To paraphrase C. S. Lewis, I’m not particular about the horns and the hoofs
Viewpoint: Judaism is Too Afraid Of Assimilation
The religion needs to stop using this frightened, scarcity-based logic to try to engage people. It doesn’t work
Viewpoint: Pope John Paul II’s Canonization Wasn’t Too Fast
Those who have complained about a short-circuited process are mostly people who never wanted to see John Paul II canonized at all
I’m Still Not Going Back to the Catholic Church
Pope Francis only confirms my decision to leave
The Pope Is No Radical
Francis isn’t throwing Catholics under the Popemobile. He’s calling for new ways of spreading the Church’s teachings
What Pope Francis Thinks About Women in the Church
Will he give them real leadership roles or just continue to placate them by idealizing their gender?
Father James Martin on the Pope’s Interview: ‘We Knew We Had Spiritual Dynamite’
The story behind — and the real message of — the Pope’s first official interview
A Muslim Country Should Host the Olympics
Awarding the 2020 Games to Tokyo and not Turkey highlights an unfair pattern
The Pope’s Baby Steps on Gays
Francis’ encouraging words show how far the Roman Catholic Church still has to go
Is Reza Aslan Anti-Christian?
The author of Zealot explains his views on faith and historical scholarship
Pope Francis and Gays: “Loving the Sinner” Is Still Intolerance
Catholic doctrine still vilifies homosexuality, and no amount of priestly “love” makes that okay
Viewpoint: We Need to Learn More About Young Men Like the Boston Bomber, Not Less
To boycott Rolling Stone‘s cover story is to say that we are unwilling, as a society, to cope with difficult questions.
Can Ramadan Bring Peace to the Middle East?
Leaders around the world, religious or otherwise, must leverage Ramadan to find peaceful solutions in Egypt and Syria