It’s hard to believe he endorses a theory that if he can make some academic conferences a tad less prestigious, peace will bloom
Why God Is a ‘Mother,’ Too
A professor at Princeton Theological Seminary explains why women embody God’s loving care
Viewpoint: In the War Over Christianity, Orthodoxy Is Winning
In an age of secularization, religious traditionalism is surprisingly resilient
Viewpoint: Anti-Semitism Never Goes Away
A new report charts the rise in anti-Semitic incidents across Europe
Can North Carolina Declare an “Official” Religion?
The separation of church and state took a real beating last week
Whatever Happened to the “Common Good”?
Recommitting ourselves to the general welfare could solve the deepest problems this country and the world now face
Viewpoint: Why Predictions Fail but Prophecies Don’t
We should be less concerned with how things will be and more with how they should be
Viewpoint: The Limitations of Being ‘Spiritual but Not Religious’
Only organized religion can mobilize communities and lead to real action
Viewpoint: What It Means to Have a Jesuit Pope
A Jesuit’s life often takes him to the margins. But often someone from the margins is just what the center needs
Viewpoint: New Shepherd, Same Wandering Flock
Secularization is a global phenomenon, but it’s not irreversible
Why The First Latin American Pope Inspires Less Hope Than We Hoped
Bergoglio’s election as the new pope—the first from Latin America—isn’t really the progressive gesture the conclave of cardinals wants the world to think it is
Does the Holy Spirit Choose the Pope?
God gave us the Holy Spirit, but he also gave us free will.
Top Opinions About Pope Benedict’s Resignation
TIME Ideas rounds up the most thought-provoking pieces about the Pope’s abdication