EBay CEO John Donahoe and his diplomat wife Eileen on how they have been equal partners in raising four kids.
It’s Not Just Sexism, Women Do Suffer More From Mental Illness
Why do mainstream mental health professionals give so little attention to the question of gender differences?
A Civil Suit Could Make Zimmerman Pay — or Could Backfire
In the end, “Stand your ground” played a small role in George Zimmerman’s acquittal, but it could pose a big risk to Trayvon Martin’s family if they pursue a civil trial
The Myth of FDR’s Secret Disability
The press sometimes described his condition in great detail, and LIFE even published a picture of him in a wheelchair
Preparing for Riots After Zimmerman Verdict Is Racial Fear Mongering
The assumption that there will be violence if Zimmerman is acquitted runs counter to recent history
Sorry, Spitzer, I’m Not Ready to Forgive You
Try as I might, I cannot overlook the fact that he broke the very laws that he was entrusted to uphold as attorney general.
The Best Cure for Obesity? Personal Responsibility
Regardless of whether it’s now a disease, there are currently no medical cures for obesity that improve on willpower
We Still Need Information Stored in Our Heads Not ‘in the Cloud’
Computer are great for information that won’t change, but a brain is better at connecting facts with other facts and acquiring layers of meaning
Critics of the Liberal Arts Are Wrong
Yes, science and tech are important, but a new report shows that employers prize a more broadly-based education
‘Davos for Women’ May Marginalize Female Leaders
Creating a separate sphere of influence does not mean exerting an equal amount of influence
Viewpoint: Washington Is a Gerontocracy
A 20-something can be the CEO of a billion-dollar company but can’t run for the Senate. That doesn’t make sense
The Female Labor Market Is Actually Stagnating
And there’s no evidence to suggest that better family-friendly policies would put more women into business leadership roles
How to Reduce Crime: Treat It Like an Infectious Disease
Once we recognize violence as a contagious process, we can treat it accordingly