Regardless of whether it’s now a disease, there are currently no medical cures for obesity that improve on willpower
Viewpoint: The Goal of Affirmative Action Should Not Be ‘Diversity’ but Righting Wrongs
Our misguided Supreme Court has invited a barrage of new attacks on affirmative action based on the wrong principle
Viewpoint: Voting-Rights Decision Spells the End of Fair Elections
It also nullifies one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history
No Silver Linings for Conservatives on SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision
The ruling is a setback for the cause of returning the nation to the color-blind principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
What Airline Whistleblowers Have to Say About the New Theory on Flight 800
There may be enough smoking guns to warrant reopening the investigation
Serena Williams and the Theater of Public Apology
Her recent spat with — followed by olive branch to — Maria Sharapova was prudent but also pointless
If Obesity Is a Disease, Why Are So Many Obese People Healthy?
The decision of the American Medical Association (AMA) to classify obesity as a disease is great news for the pharmaceutical industry, as it is likely to increase pressure on the Food and Drug Administration to approve more …
Viewpoint: The Food Network Should Give Paula Deen Back Her Job
People of her generation can neither change the past, nor completely escape their roots in it
We Still Need Information Stored in Our Heads Not ‘in the Cloud’
Computer are great for information that won’t change, but a brain is better at connecting facts with other facts and acquiring layers of meaning
Has Jeb’s Time Come?
Genes, family history and shifting demographics explain why another Bush may run in 2016
Viewpoint: Obama’s Nuke Proposal is Unilateral and Risky
Critics of the Liberal Arts Are Wrong
Yes, science and tech are important, but a new report shows that employers prize a more broadly-based education
Viewpoint: The Real Proof of Citizenship
In the immigration reform debate, we talk about pathways to citizenship, but we almost never discuss the destination of those pathways