Why Kids Under 14 Should Not Play Tackle Football
A Woman's (Only) Nation: What's Missing from the Shriver Report
A Muslim Country Should Host the Olympics
Why Insults Hurt—And Why They Shouldn't
Astronaut: <i>Gravity</i> Gets Me Down
iPads on Planes: Be Careful What You Wish For
How Politics Hurts the EPA's Important Mission
Do We Really Need to Protect Children From the Internet?
Crisis in Cairo
Is Satan Dead?
Premature Perfection: Why an Early Delivery Is Just as Good As Any
Controlling Your Kids' Candy Stash Is Bad Parenting
Viewpoint: The Goal of Affirmative Action Should Not Be 'Diversity' but Righting Wrongs
Beware of Simple Solutions to the Tax Code
Fears of Google Glass Are Unfounded
Why So Little Candy Variety? Blame the Chocolate Oligopoly
Stop Telling Me I'll "Change My Mind" About Wanting Kids
The New Complacency About Schools Is Ill-Informed
Viewpoint: Air-Conditioning Will Be the End of Us
Viewpoint: The Problem with the "We Are All..." Trope