The stereotype of the doofus dad rears its head, yet again
Anthony Weiner’s Problem is Ours, Too
He was unable to tell the complete truth to those who deserved it
Superstar Sports Players More Likely to Cheat
As the second MLB doping scandal shows, there are not enough disincentives to play clean in the first place
Viewpoint: Girls Should Play More Video Games
Playing video games can improve girls’ spatial skills — an important contributor to career success
The Argument Against Royal Families
The royals aren’t just garish anachronisms, but the living link to histories of misrule and injustice
Wait, I Wanted a Queen!
Female monarchs are like male emerald swallowtails — more rare and fun to look at
What Everyone’s Getting Wrong About the Ivy League Hookup Culture
The sex lives of most college students aren’t all that different from those of their parents or grandparents
Kate Middleton: Prepare for Judgment Day—and Mommy Bloggers
Is the Duchess of Cambridge prepared for the post-partum quarterbacking?
Viewpoint: The Bravery of Obama’s Trayvon Speech
The President took a political risk because the spiritual and moral risk of not speaking to black pain was too great
Viewpoint: Antismoking Advocates Have Misused Science
Evidence that smoking in public places endangers the health of others is weak, even while the argument against smoking is strong
J.K. Rowling and the Death of the Long Tail
By now you’re no doubt aware that Robert Galbraith, the unknown author of a new detective novel called The Cuckoo’s Calling, is actually J.K. Rowling, gazillion-selling Harry Potter creator and epoch-making publishing phenom. …
Four Reasons Why Rolling Stone’s Cover Is Upsetting
Objections to Rolling Stone’s article about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have ranged from the fact that the coverage humanizes Tsarnaev to the choice of photo to the fact that Rolling Stone usually, though not always, puts a celebrity on its cover. Here, four compelling arguments from those who have voiced disapproval:
1. In a July 17 letter …
Viewpoint: We Need to Learn More About Young Men Like the Boston Bomber, Not Less
To boycott Rolling Stone‘s cover story is to say that we are unwilling, as a society, to cope with difficult questions.