Ask yourself: does this movie/book/play have (a) at least two female characters who (b) speak to each other about (c) something other than a man? Alison Bechdel, who popularized the test in her comic Dykes to Watch Out For, credits her friend Liz Wallace with originating the deceptively simple measure of sexism in entertainment.
Exclusive Excerpt from The Book of Jezebel
An opinionated encyclopedia of lady things from the creators of Jezebel
Bechdel test
Full List
An Opinionated Encyclopedia from the Creators of Jezebel
- The Book of Jezebel, from A to Z
- Albright, Madeleine (1937-)
- Bechdel test
- cackle of rads
- dehydration
- Eliot, George (1819–1880)
- emasculate
- feisty
- Goodall, Jane (1934–)
- Hollaback!
- indulge
- Juliet
- Knox, Shelby (1986-)
- Lassie
- mansplain
- matriarchy
- nervous breakdown
- O’Connor, Sandra Day (1930–)
- Perkins, Frances (1880–1965)
- Quindlen, Anna (1952–)
- rack
- “rape-rape”
- safety tips for women
- Thelma & Louise
- true love
- Ullman, Tracey (1959–)
- victim blaming
- wrinkles
- xylophone
- yogurt
- Zygote