Horrific epidemic that targets Hollywood stars and has a high comorbidity with exhaustion. (Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen have both fallen victim at one or multiple points.) Dehydration can afflict noncelebrities as well, but the issue is usually solved by ingesting fluids such as water and rarely requires a stay in rehab. (See also LOHAN, LINDSAY; SHEEN, CHARLIE)
Exclusive Excerpt from The Book of Jezebel
An opinionated encyclopedia of lady things from the creators of Jezebel
Full List
An Opinionated Encyclopedia from the Creators of Jezebel
- The Book of Jezebel, from A to Z
- Albright, Madeleine (1937-)
- Bechdel test
- cackle of rads
- dehydration
- Eliot, George (1819–1880)
- emasculate
- feisty
- Goodall, Jane (1934–)
- Hollaback!
- indulge
- Juliet
- Knox, Shelby (1986-)
- Lassie
- mansplain
- matriarchy
- nervous breakdown
- O’Connor, Sandra Day (1930–)
- Perkins, Frances (1880–1965)
- Quindlen, Anna (1952–)
- rack
- “rape-rape”
- safety tips for women
- Thelma & Louise
- true love
- Ullman, Tracey (1959–)
- victim blaming
- wrinkles
- xylophone
- yogurt
- Zygote