1991 Callie Khouri–penned classic about two female friends, played by Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis, who kill an attempted rapist and have no choice but to go on the lam. Introduced the world, in a serious way, to William Bradley Pitt. Caused an unusually high degree of twitching in certain male backsides. One worried, in print, about the rise of “Killer Bimbos.” By more contemporary standards, it’s harmless fun. (See also DAVIS, GEENA; SARANDON, SUSAN)
Exclusive Excerpt from The Book of Jezebel
An opinionated encyclopedia of lady things from the creators of Jezebel
Thelma & Louise
Full List
An Opinionated Encyclopedia from the Creators of Jezebel
- The Book of Jezebel, from A to Z
- Albright, Madeleine (1937-)
- Bechdel test
- cackle of rads
- dehydration
- Eliot, George (1819–1880)
- emasculate
- feisty
- Goodall, Jane (1934–)
- Hollaback!
- indulge
- Juliet
- Knox, Shelby (1986-)
- Lassie
- mansplain
- matriarchy
- nervous breakdown
- O’Connor, Sandra Day (1930–)
- Perkins, Frances (1880–1965)
- Quindlen, Anna (1952–)
- rack
- “rape-rape”
- safety tips for women
- Thelma & Louise
- true love
- Ullman, Tracey (1959–)
- victim blaming
- wrinkles
- xylophone
- yogurt
- Zygote